Key Price Comparison - The Best Price for PC, Xbox One or PS4

Find the best price for PC, Xbox One or PS4 Keys

What kind of game are you looking for? Just enter your name and we'll show you the best prices for the cheapest Steam Key & Co.

What is the The Game Fox price comparison?

The Game Fox is your contact point for the best key prices and deals in the German speaking area. We show you not only the best prices, but also gaming news and what else belongs to it. So we are unique with our special game suggestion.

What is the cheapest Steamkey?

We have built up a large games database with all kinds of games. Based on this, we investigate different shops for the best Steamkey offers. We regularly check each price for the current daily price. And don't forget, you always get the best deals through our latest news.

How does the search work?

Simply enter the name of your game in the search box. We'll show you several results. On the detail page you will see the best prices of the different dealers. You can also use our unique game suggestion. We suggest games based on other players that might be of interest to you.

Is there a price or a game missing in our database?

Send us an e-mail to and we will update our database with your game. Name other games that you like to play and it will improve the algorithm for everyone.