Dead By Daylight Update 7.7.0 - Profound Changes

23 April 2024, 18:18 / by Tom Schwiha
Dead By Daylight Update 7.7.0 - Profound Changes

With the latest Update 7.7.0 for Dead By Daylight, released on April 23rd, players are experiencing a range of exciting new features and improvements. The update not only brings a revamp of the store and character selection, but also significant adjustments to the killers and gameplay mechanics.

Updates in the Store and Character System

The Store in Dead By Daylight has been completely revamped and now shines in a new light. A key feature of the new Store is the Featured Page, where the latest releases and chapters are showcased. Additionally, there is the Weekly Gift feature, allowing players to claim weekly rewards.

The introduction of dedicated pages for Killers and Survivors makes customizing characters and their cosmetics easier. Players can now select cosmetics and characters without having to equip them immediately. They have the option to preview different combinations before unlocking them and only confirm their selection afterwards.

Improvements in Character Abilities and Add-Ons

The Twins have received some interesting updates. The ability to recall Victor at any time, the reduction in switch time back to Charlotte, and the visual indicators showing Victor's vulnerability are just some of the enhancements that improve the gameplay experience with these characters.

The Blight also undergoes useful adjustments. Enhanced collision detection and changes to add-ons like the Summoning Stone and Soul Chemical significantly optimize this Killer's gameplay.

Gameplay Mechanics and Environment Updates

New mechanics for damage indicators on generators and the overhaul of the match details menu allow players to access more information during the game and use it more effectively. Changes to the Haddonfield map aim to enhance the player experience by improving navigation and gameplay.

Comprehensive Bug Fixes and PTB Adjustments

An extensive list of bug fixes enhances stability and gameplay. From audio issues to specific bugs with characters and environments, a variety of problems have been addressed. Additionally, the changes made after the Public Test Build (PTB) provide further optimizations and feedback from the community.


Update 7.7.0 not only brings Dead By Daylight up to the latest technological standards but also improves numerous aspects of the game, from the user interface to core gameplay mechanics. These updates make it more exciting than ever to delve into the dark world of Dead By Daylight. Whether you're lurking as a Killer through the night or fighting for survival as a Survivor, the new features will surely enrich your gaming experience.

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