The Finals - Update 1.7.0 is here

08 February 2024, 12:20 / by Tom Schwiha
The Finals - Update 1.7.0 is here

This week, the development team behind The Finals is presenting an exciting update that focuses on optimizing the player experience. With version 1.7.0, significant changes are being made to the progression system, adjustments to XP distribution, and updates to the VoIP settings, all aimed at making the gameplay more rewarding and communicative.

Improvements and Adjustments to the Progression System

Update 1.7.0 introduces significant changes to the progression system, aiming to provide players with an even more fulfilling gaming experience. Here is an overview of the key adjustments:

  • Increase in XP Rewards: Players can look forward to a noticeable increase in XP rewards for various activities. Whether it's opening a vault, initiating or completing a cashout, or even delivering coins in Bank It mode, XP rewards have been significantly raised.
  • Weekly Contracts and Objectives: The amount of XP awarded for weekly contracts and objectives has been significantly increased, and the number of weekly contracts required to achieve the weekly objective has been reduced. These adjustments are intended to help players progress faster in the Battle Pass and career ranks.

Settings and Optimizations for VoIP

The settings for voice communication (VoIP) have been reset and enabled by default to promote teamwork in the game. The default setting for PC players is now Push To Talk, while voice activation is pre-set for console players. This change aims to improve in-game communication and support strategic team play. Players who wish to customize their VoIP settings can do so in the settings menu.

Known Issues and Future Fixes

The development team has also addressed issues with the explosive power of red canisters and unintended splash damage from barrels. A fix for these issues is planned for the next major update, demonstrating the team's active efforts to improve gameplay.

Additional Content and Bug Fixes

  • Disabling of the 'Dead Go Boom' Event: Based on feedback, the team has decided to temporarily disable and rework this event as it was unfairly disadvantaging melee fighters.
  • New 'Play Again' Button: A new button at the end of a round allows players in a group to quickly jump into the next match, making the gaming experience smoother and more enjoyable.


The Finals Update 1.7.0 brings a wealth of improvements and adjustments that elevate the gaming experience to new heights. The increase in XP rewards, optimization of VoIP settings, and upcoming fixes for known issues showcase the development team's commitment to providing a balanced and exciting game. Players are invited to explore these enhancements and look forward to improved communication and a faster sense of progression.

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