Solium Infernum - A Hell full of strategic decisions

25 August 2023, 19:32 / by Fabian Rossbach
Solium Infernum - A Hell full of strategic decisions

Solium Infernum: Welcome to the Hell of Decisions

"Solium Infernum" is a strategy game that is already familiar to many fans of the genre from the early 2000s. The game is currently being reinterpreted by League of Geeks and is set in Hell, where you play as a powerful fallen archduke. In an exclusive interview at Gamescom, we spoke to developers Trent Kuster and William Dyce about the strategy system in Solium Infernum.

According to Dyce, what sets Solium Infernum apart is that every decision is highly significant, as you have only a few decisions to make. So, there is "a lot of weight" to everything. Instead of overwhelming players with hundreds of confusing, less meaningful decisions, Solium Infernum aims to offer you a few very important decisions instead. The developers see this system as a "new model for a type of game that should truly exist".

The Agonizing Choice

Dyce continues to explain that decision-making in Solium Infernum is always an agonizing choice, and there is an intensity in decision-making that you won't find anywhere else. With this system, the developers hope to provide a gaming experience that allows players with "busy lives" to play a long game with friends on the other side of the world.

The Focus on the Strategic Goal

In Solium Infernum, it's always about the strategic goal and not about being an agonizing "work machine." The developers want to minimize this feeling as much as possible and instead try to make the decisions as interesting as possible. However, they also acknowledge that this could deter certain players.

Juicy Gameplay

To counteract this, the team is working hard to ensure that the game is "juicy." Player decisions will be more recognized and their significance emphasized. Compared to games like Civilization, in Solium Infernum, you make fewer overall decisions, but each decision carries more weight, and the user interface helps to express this.

If you're now curious and want to descend into hell yourself to showcase your strategic skills, Steam Keys are available on Keyfuchs!

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