Guild Wars 2 - Advanced Weapon Mastery in Detail

29 November 2023, 06:12 / by Fabian Roßbach
Guild Wars 2 - Advanced Weapon Mastery in Detail

Hello, Tyrians!

In the past few weeks, we have been sharing information about our expanded weapon mastery feature, which will be available to all owners of Guild Wars 2™: Secrets of the Obscure™ early next year. Each of our nine professions will have access to at least one new weapon and a range of new skills, which you can start testing today!

The beta event for the expanded weapon mastery starts today and will run until December 3rd at 10:00 AM Pacific Time (UTC-8). Please note that this is a beta test, so some of the weapon skills will only have placeholder UI, art, and audio.

How can I participate?

Every Guild Wars 2 account in good standing will automatically receive character slots marked as "Beta" once the beta event begins. By clicking on one of these slots, you can create a character with one of the nine Guild Wars 2 professions.

From there, you can explore the open world or try out a game mode designed for group play. Options to join World vs. World and structured Player vs. Player can be found in the top left corner of your user interface. To access the instanced group content of the Fractals of the Mists, visit Fort Marriner in Lion's Arch and enter the portal.

Please note that the beta characters will disappear on December 3rd at 10:00 AM Pacific Time (UTC-8) when the event ends, and any progress you made while playing with them - including rewards and currency - will not be saved.

Beta Feedback

The developers have created a feedback thread for this beta in each profession's subforum. After you've had a chance to play, they would love to hear what you think - what you liked, what you think could be improved, and what you liked or didn't like about the beta. Visit the threads for Elementalist, Engineer, Guardian, Mesmer, Necromancer, Ranger, Thief, Revenant, and Warrior to share your feedback.

If you want to learn more about the latest updates and features of Guild Wars 2, be sure to check our site regularly. We'll keep you updated!

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