Ara: History Untold - The Ultimate Strategy Game Experience

24 August 2023, 16:39 / by Tom Schwiha
Ara: History Untold - The Ultimate Strategy Game Experience

Civilization meets City Building

We all love a good strategy game. But what if there was a game that combines the best parts of Civilization and Cities Skylines? Welcome to the world of Ara: History Untold, the next big thing in the strategy game genre.

Developed by Oxide Games, the team behind some of the biggest names in the industry, Ara: History Untold is ready to conquer the world. And after an exclusive interview with Michelle Menard, Design Director at Oxide Games, we can't wait to experience this masterpiece.

In the footsteps of great predecessors - but with a twist

What sets Ara: History Untold apart from other strategy games like Civilization? According to Menard, it's all about modernization and flexibility.

Instead of following a linear skill tree like in Civ, Ara uses a card system. Each round, you have to choose and research three randomly drawn technology cards. With each new card deck, new possibilities and challenges arise. Sounds exciting, doesn't it?

More than just fields - a vibrant game world

Another major difference from other games is Ara's map. Instead of evenly spaced fields, you'll find irregularly shaped regions here. This gives the game an additional dimension and allows for even more strategic depth.

An interface that doesn't overwhelm you

With Ara, the developers also aim to appeal to players who have had difficulties with the genre in the past. To achieve this, they put a lot of effort into creating an intuitive user interface. No cluttered UI with countless buttons - instead, you'll find exactly what you need here.

From skyline to simulation

But Ara has not only been strongly influenced by Civilization. Cities Skylines has also served as a source of inspiration. For example, you can zoom in and view your city up close - almost like in a simulation.

Shaping history yourself

Ara starts in 5000 BC, but it takes you far into the future. And while, like in Civ, there are real historical figures as leaders, it's entirely up to you how you shape your story.

Conclusion: A must for all strategy fans

Ara: History Untold promises a captivating gaming experience for all lovers of strategy games. So keep your eyes open and get ready for this unique gaming experience!

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