Buy Deathgarden: Bloodharvest Key

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Things to know about Deathgarden: Bloodharvest

User rating
5.0 / 5.0

With Deathgarden, the developers of Behaviour Digital released captivating asymmetric multiplayer title that focuses on the struggle for survival.

Blood sport fights on a distant planet

Deathgarden transports you to a distant planet where blood sport fights are very popular. Playfully, Deathgarden is an online multiplayer title in which a group of five 'runners' compete against a hunter. The Runners' task is to escape the eponymous Garden and complete selected tasks.

The sixth player, on the other hand, slips into the role of the hunter and goes hunting for the runners. While the Runners score points for their agility and superiority, the Hunter relies on impenetrable armor and superior firepower. According to the developers, they attach great importance to the fact that Deathgarden will do completely without Pay2Win elements.

In addition, the title will be provided with further Gardens after the release, which will be made available free of charge by the creators.

The cheapest Death Garden Key is found on The Game Fox
Our handy price comparison will help you find the cheapest Death Garden Key on The Game Fox. Since we work exclusively with reputable partners and key sellers, we can guarantee that you will receive your key immediately after you have paid for it.